Rose and Spray Roses Bouquet
Rose and Spray Roses Bouquet

    Rose and Spray Roses Bouquet

    Dhs. 360.00
    Earliest Delivery: Tomorrow

      Experience timeless elegance with our Rose and Spray Roses Bouquet from Upscale and Posh. This beautifully handcrafted arrangement blends the classic allure of roses with the delicate charm of spray roses, creating a bouquet that is both traditional and contemporary.

      Each stem is handpicked for its freshness and beauty, ensuring a display that will captivate and impress. This stunning arrangement is an ideal choice for any occasion, effortlessly conveying sentiments of love, admiration, and respect.

      This bouquet is ready to grace any home or office. Choose the Rose and Spray Roses Bouquet from Upscale and Posh for a gift that speaks volumes about your refined taste.

      Occasionally it will be necessary for us to substitute flowers, wrapping or containers due to temporary, seasonal or regional availability issues. If this is the case with the item you've selected, our experienced florists will ensure that the style, theme and colour scheme of your chosen items are preserved and will only substitute items of equal or higher value.

      We have strict substitution guidelines in place to ensure the look and quality of the item you have chosen is maintained. We will always make every effort to contact you by telephone or WhatsApp to discuss the changes.

      In the situation where we cannot reach you, or we don't receive a reply, then we reserve the right to make substitutions on your behalf to ensure that we do not miss your selected delivery slot. Our priority is to ensure that gifts are delivered on the day of any special occasions.

      DELIVERY (Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman)

      • Same day delivery - 25 AED
      • Delivery Slots: 10am to 1pm, 1pm to 4pm, 4pm to 7pm and 7pm to 10pm
      • 1 hour cut off for all delivery slots, 5 pm cut off for same-day delivery

      DELIVERY (Other Emirates)

      • Next Day Delivery – 40 AED
      • Delivery Slots: 12 noon to 6 pm (No specific times)
      • Cut off is 9 am the same day
      • We do not deliver to Nahil, Sweihan, Al Guaa, Saad, Al Khazna, Al Dhahrah, Al Khatm, Western Region


      • Same day In-store or kerbside collection available at Millennium Central Hotel, Downtown


      • Express delivery is available in Dubai Only
      • AED 40 Charge
      • Delivery within 2 hours from when the order is placed
      • Available between 9 am and 5 pm, orders placed after 5 pm will be delivered by 11 am the next morning
      • Not Available on Fridays

        Occasionally it will be necessary for us to substitute flowers, wrapping or containers due to temporary, seasonal or regional availability issues. If this is the case with the item you've selected, our experienced florists will ensure that the style, theme and colour scheme of your chosen items are preserved and will only substitute items of equal or higher value.

        Need more help? Is your preferred delivery Slot Not Available?

        WhatsApp us NOW by Clicking Here or +971 58 6517898

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